My Macedonian Call continues...
Macedonia what a special place...the country is small land-locked country boardering Greece that first came on my radar well over 25 years ago when I read the amazing story of the apostle Paul's first visit there.
The story is recorded in the book of Acts in chapter 16. In the account Paul was given a vision of a man in Macedonia pleading for Paul to come and help. However, if you carefully read the account, the first person Paul meets in the land is a "woman" not a man... She was one of the more wealthy and prominent business woman she was outside in the countryside with her friends praying and seeking to understand more of God. The woman's name was Lydia and she is referred to as a seller of purple! In layman's terms this is a textile/fashion designer selling high end fabrics to the wealthy.
As someone who has spent her entire adult life in the pursuit of textiles, fashion and of course wanting to know more about God...this caught my attention. I had to laugh to myself as I read....even the great apostle Paul had to have God work within the confines of Paul's obviously religious mind-set...( I guess this means there is hope for me and my " mindsets" to : D
You can read it for yourself....God had to give Paul a vision of a "man" pleading for help! No doubt if the vision had been of a woman, Paul would have rebuked the vision and dismissed the vision as not being from God.
BUT, the good news is, that once he arrived, Paul clearly recognized it was God's prompting after will discover that after a brief conversation with the woman, Paul could see that these women were seeking something more than they had been taught all their life. Well, this story made me laugh and wonder what extremes does God go to in order to get my also caused me to ponder what is so special about Macedonian women?
At the time I first read the book of Acts I had never visited Macedonia nor had I even met anyone from this it only seemed appropriate for me to ask God to send me a student from there so that I might have a better understanding, of what makes this place so special that he personally sent the apostle Paul there!!! He answered this prayer about 10 years later, I received my first student from Macedonain that came to the college where I taught fashion and textile design. Her name was Tanya and she was delightful, talented, kind and generous. We spoke often about her country, the political situation and of course the struggles with the neighboring countries. You can go online to the for more info on the country. From a bible stand point if you are unaware, Macedonia has been listed in the bible since the ancient days of Daniel and is referred to as the bronze portion of Nebuchadnezzar's vision in Daniel 2:23, 39. It is also refered to as the leopard with 4 heads Dan. 7:6, 17 and as the male goat in Dan. 11:4. In recent years the country peacefully gained independence in 1991.
Macedonian Call Fall 2009 & Feb. 2010
The images you will see below, are a continuation of my Macedonian call story. It continues in the fall of 2009 when I was invited by some providential circumstances ( due to my expertise as an educator and textile artist) to personally meet with the Ambassador from Macedonia to the US.
Naturally, prior to meeting this man, I sought God to discover what God wanted me to do or say at this meeting.
As a research junkie ( I have actually written a college textbook on how to do research) ( after reading my blog you will also see why I needed an editor...LOL ) and as a woman who loves to talk (pray) to God, I immediately researched the latest happenings in Macedonia and I also searched my archive for one of Tanya's drawing that she had made for me back in the 1990's while she was my student. It was very special to me and I kept is a visual token for all the prayers I had offered up for this country. The image was of a Macedonian bride holding what appeared to look like the seems to be held all most like a scepter or sword in her right hand. Sensing the prophetic nature of the image I had determined that THIS is the token I should give to the Ambassador from me. I reprinted a digital copy for the Ambassador, along with typing and sharing the story from the book of Acts of the "man" in Macedonia seeking help. I noted to him in my letter the similarities to our meeting. I shared with the Ambassador what I perceived ...that here once again, may be it was God using a "man" (him) to plea for help for his country on behalf of many sectors of the Macedonian economy, but the fashion world in particular!
Nothing, seemed to transpire as a result of our meeting, only a few polite email correspondences along with my offer to come and visit...but nothing more.
However, this seemingly unfruitful meeting, did not negate my heart for this country. Frankly, it caused me to step up my praying all the more. I found myself continuing to pray and ask the Lord to send SOMEONE who would once again turn the hearts to the good news that Paul had shared so long ago...I also prayed that all of the people groups representative of this precious country would be touched by God's deep love and concern for them.
To my surprise earlier in this week I had been invited to a local Macedonian festival...So last night as I attended the festival held in South Florida. I had purposed in my heart to search once again to "See" what God might be saying to me about this precious country. Here below are images from this event.
Take a look,
You will see my annotations of the images, and hopefully will also "see" for yourself what I "heard" from God's heart for this special country and people...dear ones that God personally still cares very much about!
The woman at the microphone named Dana, who is a very special local business woman who is serving with devotion the country of Macedonia, I have to smile again to myself, as I observe this precious unselfish Jewish woman being used by God to bless the Macedonanian people here in South Florida, just as he had used Rabbi (Apostle) Paul
Here in the photo is the "man" from Macedonia who came seeking help and support for his country... he is Ambassador of Macedonia to the US.

These images show the lovely native costume and fabrics of the Macedonian people.
There is also shown an image of the local dance, it makes me think of God's instruction for us to praise, dance and worship him in good times and in bad. Music is important to every culture it can define who they are as a people.
As I walked around the festival I read and continued to discover more about the culture. I also spent time with some dear women who brought their treasures from home of drawings, photos, books and crafts to share. I also noticed that there were other flags from many places that represented where the Macedonia people migrated too here in North America.
One of the highlights for me was meeting the two women shown here. I could not help but see in thier hearts were the passions and respect for the traditions of their forefathers, and I learned of the hope they shared for the next generations who too are seeking to learn more about preserving these traditions ...
my prayer is that God would raise up more and more modern day Lydias...who will seek God's heart and mind for this country!
Here is Dana again with a few key leaders of the local Macedonian community singing the national anthems of both Macedonia and the United States...and the tiny country is
The humble simple stage where everyone gathered.
This image defined for me what God wanted me to see ...I could not help but admire how this dear older man stood for what seemed to be hours ....strong and proud holding the flags....It reminded me to pray that God would raise up in addition to more Lydia's, men and women of God he refers to as watchmen ( that is people who know how to successfully pray for the country the God's promises.)
Let's face the remnant of believers may be small like Gideon's army but I know they exist there and this dear older man standing strong aholding the flags of these two countries that seemed intertwined, ...served as a visual reminder of what God wanted me to be reminded of..... A flag or banner is a metaphor of God's is what His word says "when the enemy comes in like a flood, God raises up a standard ( or HIS flag) which is Christ... and....all who look to HIM will not be disappointed or put to shame. Standing faithfully in prayer is a choice...holding up God's word in faith is hard when everything in the natural wants to cause us to doubt.
Faith in "faith" is futile and vain, "faith without works is dead"...but faith in in a God who so "loved the world that He gave his only son and personally sent the Apostle Paul!" is what we are called to do. So faith coupled with our action of compassionate acts and practical service can reclaim the rich inheritance that God had purposed so long ago for this country. God is not limited to the world's system of doing things. His heart is for people and nations...He sees Macedonia and my prayer is that the seeds planted by Paul and the faith of friends of Lydia will remind people once again that hope is not an emotion, it is a person...his name is Jesus...and hope does not disappoint.
My desire and prayer is that one day, the Lord will throw open wide for me the door to finally go and visit this country.....but until then I will pray for Lord will reach this new generation and to call forth the "Lydias" that will "seek" God....even in the most unlikely places as well as for them to listen and look for God's response in the most unlikely packaging!