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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Your elevator to the top is waiting!

"Could your elevator to the top... actually be down?"


I recently had the honor of speaking at an art conference in St. Louis. In the weeks leading up to the event I really wanted to hear what was on God's heart for the artist of all disciplines I would be sharing with.

This presentation will be the topic of my discussions over the next few weeks. Each point of the presentation touches on a truth that is relevant to those of you seeking to unleash your creativity both in your art as well as in the market place.

While at the event, the facilitators had planned to queue up and show a trailer from a video on the cost of human trafficking. However, the preview would not the person introducing the video merely shared a brief moment in regards to inviting the conference guests back for the actual movie screening later that week.

Immediately, I knew that I must set aside what I intended to share and told the media arts co-coordinator to instead cue up images from my own art portfolio. This was "the last thing" I had intended to share or even discuss. It was just a sampling of my work to share with the event sponsor if he wanted evidence of my work for any reason.

For those unfamiliar to my art, I make what I have coined as "Advocacy Art" this means I use I make art that can be considered prophetic or futuristic in nature. (Depending on your frame of reference the terms prophetic implies that the significance showcases the heart of God, while futuristic is a secular term, implying that there is a spiritual or other worldly connotation. Bottom line is my art for the last several years has been a series based on my travels following the apparel production process around the globe. (71 countries and counting!)

Bringing copies of this work, was actually God-sighting(seeing God in action)... I was able to share more about the my process in making art with the group. The work comprises of images I shot while on location that display the indigenous people in context, not just the slick travel images we might all be familiar with. It shows them as real people that God loves dearly...warts and all, just like you and me! The images are then assembled into handmade fine art books that reflect the unique country the work reflects. I refer to these as my art of intercession, that is my prayers for the people and the country made visible.

While traveling around the globe one thing I have been most cognizant of, is. the role of human trafficking plays. Did you know that it tends to follow the development of immerging countries and especially the link with the apparel production process.

Developing countries are ripe for those who specialize literally in the buying and selling of souls. My art contends with this global issue, that is why naturally my heart was tugged when the video would not queue up. I had to honor this message by sharing several of my stories and intercession insights with the group of artists that were present.

By now you might be what does this have to do with mentoring? Actually a lot! Your success and your career are not ultimately about YOU... it is about what role you can play in making a difference where ever you are.

Mother Theresa once said, “I cannot change the world, but I can toss a stone across the waters and leave a ripple." This humble servant did so much more than that. What she did was love the unlovable. She was a servant who tapped into the heart of God and did what she could in the locations God placed her.

This week’s reflection assignment is about practicing where you are at being a servant. It also is about if you know God, seeking His heart for what he has seeded deep within your heart.

Trust me, I went to those countries I visited in my prayer closet long before I ever set foot in their country! My art became an expression of that devotion in prayer to seeking God's heart. Out of it came a career I never could have planned for myself!

So how about you? What touches your heart? Widows, orphans, homeless, a country or a people group? Your assignment this week is get into your prayer closet if you have one, if don't have a clue what I am talking about, then why not getting into your heart and see where it is pulled when certain topics come up. I will give you a hint, chances are God put that soft spot there and He literally died to talk to you more about it. (sorry could not resist the giggle)

This week, find one honest website dedicated to what tugged at your heart ...learn more on the subject as you read, and seek to find what role you can play in tossing a stone across the water. Trust me for more reasons than one you will be glad you did! Write me a comment or post of what action you took. Share it with your accountability partner. I know one thing for cannot out give God.

Here are several verses I challenge you to look up... (free bible look-up)

Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 33:3
Psalm 25:14
Micah 6:8

Proverbs 22:4 This is for those of you who are honest enough to say, "But you WANT it to be about you" I know that is where some of you might be, I know I was and frankly when I am being a brat still struggle with wanting it to be all about why not check out this promise! It says you can have it all. LOL!!!! I will give you a disclaimer, your heart will be soften by God as you turn even a glance towards Him and in no time you will be running back for more of His love, approval and provision!

Until next week...Blessings and safe Holiday-4th of July to those stateside!


Friday, June 8, 2012

What good thing comes out of Nazareth

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since the last Renaissance Arts and Culture Reborn Conference, during this past year, I have been preoccupied by tending to an elderly family member along with my own personal unforeseen health issues. If you are like me it seems the last 10 years God has been really pruning me. (ha! I know that is supposed to be a good thing, but ouch!)( I mean thank

This year however, I am most thankful that God has opened wide the door for me to attend. He has prepared for me to speak in St. Louis (Nazareth) and deliver a message for the next generation of artists and designers.

So many young artist or designers disguise their ambitions in seeking to emulate the current zeitgeist. They hunger for approval from the world more than appreciating the approval not based on performance offered by God.

Instead they are looking for an express elevator to the top. The current Art Renaissance Revival that is in it's infancy faces the same dangers of the previous one of 1500's... who gets the glory.

For I have bent Judah, My bow, Fitted the bow with Ephraim, And raised up your sons, O Zion, Against your sons, O Greece, And made you like the sword of a mighty man.”Zechariah 9:12-14

You truly are either a son of Greece i.e. humanism - or you are a son of Zion - faith.

The last Renaissance coincided with the Reformation based on faith and NOT works.  This time God will be speaking in regards to artist that are highly skilled and sold out to Him. 

Not artist chasing the current "idol" status the current zeitgeist promotes.  They will be humble servants, training and disciplining others in what they have learned and devoted to walking in such a manner that their lifestyle and heart speak more to the world than their art.  We sometimes forget we are just the donkey Jesus rides in on, it is not about us, but about HIM>

I love a quote I heard recently that sums it up:
"Humility is the answer to everything" Bickle

The next art movement awakening within the church MUST remember this!

As you can see from the image below the message can be summed up in a one sentence is:

"the way up is down."

But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?
James 2:19-21

Another twist I see on the horizon is that this time God is dealing within the church first to see if they have you really developed excellence or your craft  in order to have a legitimate voice in market place.   

" I sing in the bars one day and the church the next, the difference is the people in bars wanted ministered to and the people in the church wanted entertained" Ricky Skaggs

Both faith and works (humble spirit, showing grace, and investing the time to be excellent in your craft) will be result in the desired open doors of opportunity - it will empower the believer to be better equipped to share their art with a world longing to be convinced with the reality of God's heart for them personally. When we operate and walk in both.

The conference is the weekend of June 15th and upon returning I will be posting more of the key things I believe God is speaking.  Keep me in prayer for this event.


Friday, May 18, 2012

New Beginnings!

Hello, I know it has been awhile since my last post, so much has transpired, which is causing me to process before I share publicly.  However, I was scheduled to be in St. Louis this weekend and by design I was not able to attend.  This was a great disappointment to me, but I see thanks to the Internet and email, I can still be there! 

Below is what I see the Lord doing in the arts today. 

He is stirring up his body and challenging them with a new Renaissance in the arts. 

Several years ago I knew this was on his heart and mind.  I ponder it when I went to Florence Italy that year as he and I spoke about the Renaissance that most people still marvel at.  The truth is much of the art that was produced was "humanism" it glorified the creation more than the creator.  During that visit I found myself on the hill overlooking the city praying and prophesying that they would not short change or short circuit his next visitation.

I believe that He is visiting his church again and calling them to recognize the prophetic voice he has placed in all the arts, not just the musicians and singers.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life's Strangler Fig Part Deux

I will be posting an indepth update up date on my journey of the Oak Tree's intervention story from March of 2010....( please read the posting it will make the rest of this make sense.) for now here is the update in short form...

All of the strangler fig that was incasing the oak tree, had fallen off and had been stripped away...along with some minor intervention, the tree is back to what it was intended to be, a thriving healthy, strong live oak.

Ok, so what does that mean?   What a show & tell image..... It tells me that NOTHING and NO ONE is too late for God's intervention...this week He gave me a miracle....He saved the life of a friend!
 .... to be continued.... and gave an encouraging sign that He would restore this person just as tenderly as was witnessed by the show & tell of the oak tree.   God is sooooo faithful.   Lazarath...Come forth!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life's Strangler Fig

Hum, ever think about how subtle sin really is? not to mention how subtle compromise can be! How vulnerable  are we to wrong thinking or actions when things don't go our way?  I had a show and tell incident while driving into work one day.  
I stopped for some coffee so it caused me to take an alternate side street  there I came across the images you see here below. The one image was so compelling that I stopped my car and parked it in order to take photos of what caused me to" turn aside " to stop and notice  what seemed very unusual.

As you will see the images are based around a very large Florida Live Oak tree as well as what was around it. This very old live oak tree, was nestled right in the heart of the small local community and growing tall and strong near the highway. The Florida Live Oak had been compromised on a large section of it from its original  purpose which was to be a safe haven for birds, squirrels and other animals.

Over time, the tree had subtly  been attached by a strangler fig. For those unfamiliar to a strangle fig tree, this tree is a parasite tree...this parasite starts small by attaching itself to the host tree ( in this case a live oak) and over time slowly begins to dissipates the life of the host tree of life.

The goal of the Strangler Fig is to envelopes the host tree, so that it is no longer recognizable!

The irony is that when the strangle fig  has done it's work, what will be left or evident  to the natural eye appears to be another green healthy tree...when in reality... the host tree was swallowed up by the fig tree.  The Strangler Fig existed only to steal and ultimately destroy the life of the host tree.

I had to ponder could the "strangler fig"  be a symbol of what sin and compromise are like in our lives????    huh...sin and compromise begins so slowly it too can go virtually unnoticed for years?
Could we become like the poor host tree over taken by the strangler fig subtly decieved and overtaken finding ourselves  NOTHING like we were intended to be?

As I was musing all of this  suddenly along came a man, (seen here in the photo)...who appeared out of nowhere and began to talk "to" me...     asking me if I knew about all the good the live oak does for everything around it.  I thought I did know, however,  instead of speaking I merely encouraged him to share what he knew.  I marveled as I commented to this stranger how awesome it was that "someone" had seen fit to intervene to restore and reclaim this marvelous tree.  When we finished  I thanked him for his brief illumination on the subject of Live Oak trees. 

Funny, I am also reminded that in God's word for those who love him are called "oaks of righteousness."  While instead the counterfeit similar to the strangler fig , "Satan poses as an angel of light” comes with  his real aim is to “deceive...steal ...kill and destroy."

This thought also prompted me to ask God ...if there were any areas in my own life the enemy had crept into
I asked the Lord....would he please do to me…what I noticed what the unseen gardener had done for this live oak...  "intervene” and cut off any damage caused by sin, or subtle compromise...any area that I may have been unknowingly vulnerable to Satan's schemes...

The, I also asked if  He would do the same thing for those,  that were on my heart that morning.
a ha!  I think that is the focus for the week... GRACE.....the joy of knowing a God who clearly is a God of redemption and restoration.

There is a God who wants to bring life to any area where the enemy has attempted to kill, steal or destroy. 

God wants to unleash his gentle hand and his power to cut off all that the enemy has stolen. I know too...he did all this by someone who was nailed to a tree for just that purpose!

( below is the stranger and the strangler fig) is spring....and  a time of new beginings...  a time to remember Passover and an empty tomb.... resurrection power  and  for me... well I have a birthday on April Fools Day coming up......

so YES,   LOL    I agree with the Apostle Paul...I will be a fool for Christ's sake and  yes,  I will again and again choose LIFE and Blessings....and be thankful that someone paid for me to inherit the blessings...

...I will also choose be thankful  for His intervention and his "passover promises" ....  how about you?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Death of Alexander McQueen ...Do we nurture today's talent?

Open arms
           Pondering at a tomb

Like anyone else associated with fashion industry the news spread swiftly of the death of Alexander Mc Queen. I was getting text messages and Facebook IM from everyone wanting to hear my thoughts on his death.

My immediate internal reaction was " oh dear God, this young man took his own life " Now I am not fatalistic or morbid or even a sensationalist. In fact I tried to push this gut reaction out of my mind hoping I was wrong... but I know my gut.... so I set out to gain the facts about his untimely death ... Alexander McQueen who's real first name was Lee had in fact taken his own life. Such a tragedy he was such a young man, he was only 40!

McQueen rocketed to icon status in the fashion industry thanks to his muse a former editor, who sadly also took her own life less than three years ago.

Therefore, I found myself rivited the story as I set out to search for what lessons might be gleaned for the tragic loss of this young man, who was also known as one of fashion's "la enfant terrible."

As I was musing the details of his death online, I came across a poignant interview by an older industry peer who pondered the question of "do we nurture our young talent???"    Sadly it seems as if to imply we do not, instead we exploit them to fuel our own fashion fantasy.

Being around the fashion industry so long, I have witnessed other untimely deaths of other talented young men and women such as Patrick Kelly, Willi Smith, Franco Moschino, Versace ( Lady Di)  and others. I personally  had providential encounters with a few of the older designers who also passed in recent years; Bill Blass and YSL.

Perhaps this why I related so much to my students who were in shock over the loss of an icon. Each generation has its own set of icons and the last two men I listed, had been my inspiration in my youth and during my years of producing knitwear. ( But those God-sighting stories are for another day )

Today, my attention and focus is about all the young "pups' I teach fashion design to  that are struggling over the loss of someone like themselves who was so young and vulnerable..... it is about their reaction to death of an icon.

Since the news broke, speculation has been rampant. It appears now as the facts have finally come to light, ...what triggered his hopelessness had been a combination of  several tragic losses. First it was the suicide of his muses in recent years, coupled this with the recent death of his beloved mother ( he died before he could  even attend her funeral) and sadly the crushing blow was being jilted by his male companion... all together these isolated incidents and rejections formed what seemed to be the perfect storm of loss and tragedy that were  far to deep to bear for such a solitary young man.

Here is a copy of my original posting my FACEBOOK which I posted for my students:

The link (no longer available) I provided was the best video tribute I have seen that poses the question...are we really nurturing todays talent?

The interview shows a depth of compassion from an older peer that explores and conveys the vulnerability of artists and the lonely isolation of the top, and implies the need for a strong belief system beyond... the realm of fashion when the storms of life one is causes us to reflect who will you turn to when the storms of life hit? Who will be your rock? (end of my Facebook post)

We are all vulnerable to rejection, and would not take much for any of us to crumble if the perfect storms of life hit I repeat the question to you, as much as I challenge myself....who or what are you serving?

Let's be honest...where your time is, where you money goes, that is where your heart and passion lie.   The big question is.... Is your "idol" a safe haven for life's perfect storms?

This young man seem to have had what most of my students crave, ....talent,  fame, fortune... but in the proved to be not "enough" to save him.

What came to my mind as I ponder the impact on my students as they processed McQueen's death ...were the words of King Solomon...3,500 years ago wrote about looking back over his own life, in the world's eyes one of fame, fortune and success... in his own word he admitted that he had succumbed to the futility of chasing vanity,

Ecclesiastes 12:1

"Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come..."

Upon first reading you might thing there is no comfort in Solomon's words.....But I ASSURE YOU...This is not a morbid reflection...

Instead it IS  one of consolation, in a world of "free will" to "choose who or what we will serve" Solomon concluded like other men of God that the "sun does shine on the good and the bad, as does the rain fall on both" the question is... can God be enough in good times and in tragedy? Did he really "pay a ransom for souls???"

Having walked through my own valley of the shadows of death, I have found myself saying again and again to my own soul...."Lord either answer my questions or BE the answer" "Reveal yourself to ME"      "Comfort me,.... be enough!"

As I look back on times where I wondered if God really was far off from my pain, and when I was doubting his wisdom and seemingly lack of intervention, yet  I can state with confidence that time and again He has proven to me the value of this passage over the losses and tragedies I have faced. Once when I was really angry with him over the death of a dear artist friend he made the following passage actually make sense to reads

"oh death where is thy victory or death where is thy sting."

In other words, loss and tragedy do not have to have the last say in my life.

That is the beauty of an intimate relationship with God, no one else can reach you where it really hurts...know one knows you like he does...time and again He proves himself to me in ways that no one else can understand...he meets me where I am at and where my need is.

So that is why I am sharing my thoughts today to those dear ones reading this now who may be struggling and feel shattered by the loss of this fragile young man, we may not know until eternity what decisions were uttered by McQueen with his last breath...I can say for sure my hope is that Lee cried out to God...

....but I must turn my focus NOW to the living and my prayer is for those young designers like Lee who are building a life on sinking sand...please what you are really pondering is your own mortality...I urge you to learn from Solomon...learn from McQueen's death .....choose Jesus.... while you are still young.  God does want you to be successful .....He does want you to use your talent to the fullest, and He does want you to enjoy the fruit of your labors,  but it is all about HIM...eternity is so long to be wrong...our life really amounts to the dash mark between the date of our birth and the date of our death....eternity is so long to be estranged from someone who died for you and loves you so much, he deserves first place in our lives.

Moses said it clearly...."I set before you life and death, blessing and curse...choose life!"

I leave you with one last thought... to not to choose!

May God comfort and instruct your hearts as you have the courage to confront where your are building your hopes and your future on.

Till next week...
